Monday, October 21, 2013

We're Adopting!

I tell people the Lord did an awesome thing when He paired Nick and I (for more than a few reasons). We both had a heart for adoption, specifically international adoption, before we even met. We thought we would get married, enjoy our newlywed phase of life for 2-3 years, have a few kiddos, and then adopt as the kiddos got older. The summer of 2012 (before we were even married a year), the Lord began really laying adoption on my heart even more. I began to pray about it, thinking there was no way this could be the direction we headed this early in our marriage. Unbeknownst to me, God was working on Nick, too. We both felt like the Lord was directing us this way and is continuing to do so.

For over a year now we have been gathering information & trying to save money like it's our job (and working a few different jobs to do so). We've prayed and sought counsel. We've had some sleepless nights. There have been some tears. But there has also been plenty of smiles, laughter, and excitement!

Reactions have been mixed. I'm not going to lie when I say this is hard. I just can't fathom why people wouldn't be excited. Two (yes, I said two) kiddos will be given a home and Nick and I will be parents.

We've named this blog SunbeamsAndRaindrops because we know this journey will be HARD, but yet rewarding. Just like any experience or season in life we also recognize that God provides both the sun and the rain. We'll enjoy the sun and take comfort in the fact that rain can grow and heal us. 

I know there are several questions floating around in your heads since I've heard them multiple times already.

Where? South America. Columbia or Peru to be exact! This is the plan for now, but we've also heard of families starting the process towards one country only for the Lord to direct another direction. We're both open to Africa and a few other places, too. I told Nick the other day I don't think it is an accident that he is pretty much fluent in Spanish. I need to see that as God's provision.

Cost? Gulp. It's big. Like biiiig. But our God is BIGGER! The average international adoption averages around $30,000-$40,000. Add two to the mix and the cost goes up a bit. We're committed to doing this debt-free since that's a commitment we've made in other areas. Nick is constantly reminding me God will provide. In my flesh it is all TOO easy for me to doubt.We'll be posting some very exciting ways that we think God will use to provide for this adoption soon. 

Two? Yes. That is our hope. We see a real need for families to be willing to adopt sibling groups since they are often looked over for one child, especially infants. We also recognize this may not be the Lord's will at this point, but we're walking that way.

Timeline? 2-3 years. STOP. Did you read that right?!? I am not real excited about learning patience and trust in this process, but that is the average time it will take to bring them home. And it is not about me. God is sovereign and He could speed it up or slow it down.

... and the one that can really get under my skin when I see it rolling around in heads... (I'm such a sinner). 

Infertility? The short answer we love comes from a Tony Merida message we watched. It's a theology issue, not a biology issue. We could become pregnant during or after this process. We could never become pregnant. We are just following the Lord in where He is directing us now!

We hope you will join with us on this journey by bathing us in prayer and staying connected through this blog. It's sure to be a wild ride!


  1. Wow! Congratulations on your news and on the fact that you are following God's leading; that is truly not easy to do in any area of life! Praying for you and Nick as you continue to follow the Lord in His call for you. I'm excited to read more and follow this journey as you are led to your future children!

  2. Chris and I have friends in East TN that are in the process of adopting a sibling group of THREE from Africa right now. I believe they will be going over there next year to bring them home! If you want, I can see what methods they are using to raise funds if that would help you and Nick any. Just let me know!
